What You Need to Know About Baby Helmets?
Sometimes babies develop a small flat spot and a little bald on their head. The main reason behind this is that they usually sleep on their backs. This can sometimes cause a bump on one side of their head. This problem is very common in babies and is known as torticollis. In this there is shortening of the muscles which moves from behind of the ear to the neck .This causes a problem for the baby to move their head to both the directions . You need to choose the best quality baby helmets from a relibale company for buying baby helmet for your kid. This is where the baby helmet comes into the picture .These helmets are formally known as Cranial Remoulding Orthosis .They help to correct the shape of the baby’s skull and help redirect their growth .These helmets help to correct the positional head shape deformity .The baby helmets are usually designed as directed by the canal specialist .The specialist defines the size of the helmet according to the head growth needs of the baby ....